Birthday Wish

Meg here, and it’s my birthday today. I have had so many conversations with friends across our 8-county region since the June 4th event and I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all of the support and for the genuine engagement in becoming advanced data users and storytellers. 

I’d like to make a birthday wish: I wish for continuous improvement. Avoid the overwhelm and choose one thing at a time to tackle. So, I encourage everyone to try to step away from being so overwhelmed by current events and to think of one thing that you can tackle that will bring joy, and do it. I promise I will do the same and I’m convinced that an influx in joy will radiate goodness. 

Thank you for indulging me a public birthday wish :-) Happy summer!


Curated article: Brookings takes a holistic look at SNAP benefits


Curated Article: Promoting a Culture of Caring in Education