Indicator Category

Environmental Justice & Sustainability

Environmental Justice and Sustainability is the consideration of long-term environmental health toward a regenerative and more secure planet. It emphasizes balancing present needs with the preservation of resources for future generations, promoting inclusive and sustainable practices.

In addition to indicators here, be sure to read our Brain Food posts tagged with ‘Environmental Justice & Sustainability’ for associated narrative.

123 EV Charging Stations


In the 8-county region, clean energy jobs are experiencing an average annual growth rate of 2.1%.

Monroe County boasts the highest number of EV charging stations in Rochester, with a total of 123 as of 2023.



The population residing in urban regions with limited access to food within the 8-county area has seen a decline of 3.1% since 2010, dropping from 311k to 301k individuals.

By the end of April 2024, 122 communities in the 8-county region had joined NYSERDA's Clean Energy Communities 3.0 Program.