Indicator Category


The economic security of individuals and families is essential to achieving the values of a vital and equitable region. As a community committed to fostering upward mobility for all of our citizens, indicators about our residents living at or below the poverty line are reasonable launching points for understanding community well-being. 

For more nuanced indicators related to upward mobility, see Mobility Metrics and consider Urban Institute’s Upward Mobility Framework. At a more local level, the Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative has adopted the framework and customized it for our community.

In addition to indicators here, be sure to read our Brain Food posts tagged with ‘Poverty’ for associated narrative.


As of 2022, Monroe County is home to over 68% of the total population below the poverty line in our region, amounting to over 9,800 individuals.

City of Rochester

Among all the localities in our 8-county region, the City of Rochester stands out with the highest count of residents living below the poverty line, totaling 56,000+ individuals as of 2022.

Rochester Suburbs

The number of children living below the poverty line within suburban areas has remained stable, experiencing only a 0.2% rise from 5,245 in 2010 to 5,256 in 2022.

Poverty Indicators