Transportation Indicator
Miles of Dedicated Bike Infrastructure
The total number of miles dedicated for bikes in our region’s counties divided into bike paths and trails.
The data, sourced from the Genesee Transportation Council, includes information on the number of miles of dedicated bike paths and trails in the 8-county region in 2023.
Monroe County has 67% of our region's dedicated bikeable infrastructure, of which, more than half is in the City of Rochester.
281 Miles
Our region has a total of 281 miles of bikeable infrastructure combining bike paths and trails.
Wyoming County
Wyoming County has the least amount of total bikeable miles in the 8-county region with only 0.4 miles as of 2023.
This infographic displays a sunburst diagram for the number of miles of dedicated bike infrastructure across the 8 counties, further subdivided into paths and trails. The data is from 2023.